Charles Powell

PhD student @ DAMTP, University of Cambridge.



Centre for Mathematical Sciences

University of Cambridge

Hi! I’m a PhD student in the Atmosphere & Ocean Dynamics group at the University of Cambridge. My supervisors are Prof. Peter Haynes and Prof. John Taylor.

My current reserach focus is the problem of stratospheric hydration by convective overshoots in the tropics. To get to grips with the mechanisms at play, we study the idealised fluid dynamical problem of convective penetration of a buoyant plume into a stably stratified layer, using numerical simulations. Aside from my PhD project, my research interests cover a wide range of atmospheric phenomena, from large scales (QBO, internal gravity waves, teleconnections) to small (turbulent mixing, convection).

Beyond maths, I have two main pastimes: rowing and amateur meteorology/cloudspotting. See here for my cloudspotting log.

selected publications

  1. dfd_poster.png
    Poster: Diagnosing tracer transport in convective penetration of a stably stratified layer
    Charles Powell, Peter Haynes, and John Taylor
    In American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics , Washington D.C., 2023
  2. climdyn24_poster.png
    Poster: Minimal moisture models in convective penetration of a stably stratified layer
    Charles Powell, Peter Haynes, and John Taylor
    In UK Climate Dynamics Workshop , Bath, UK, 2024
  3. skrk_essay.png
    Essay: Penetration of convective plumes into a stably stratified layer: turbulent mixing & tracer transport
    Charles Powell
  4. wgn-472.png
    Automated Spectrogram Analysis for Meteor Head Echoes
    Charles Powell
    WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization, Apr 2019
  5. wgn-454.png
    Temporal and Spatial Variation of Meteor Flux in Radio Data
    Charles Powell, and Kristina Veljkovic
    WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization, Aug 2017